The Magnetic Centres

– A Masterclass to Awaken the Channel –

The Magnetic Centres are like chambers of light that illuminate the pathway towards Orgasmic Consciousness.

This is where the physical processes meet the energetic equivalent. Where 3D embodiment meets the 5D equivalent.

It’s how we project ourselves into the space around us.
It’s how others notice us.
It’s how we create connection that supports and sustains us.
It’s how others perceive ‘our energy’ before we greet.
It’s how our desires find us in manifest form.
It’s how love is fulfilled.

The masterclass is about more than having orgasms, it’s about creating an Orgasmic Consciousness that will change your world and therefore, the world one person at a time until there is a tipping point.

This is how we turn on to life, become present and open the doorway to RECEIVE all the good available to us.

This is what we can do if cervical exploration is not your vibe today, this week, this month…you can work with The Magnetic Centers.

If you are working on expanding orgasm, manifestation, wealth creation or love, activating the Magnetic Centres is key.

Following on from the Codes of Receiving Masterclass (Included), this is The Magnetic Centres.

*Please note:

• All sales are final so please choose carefully as no refunds are available.

• This masterclass is not recommended if you are managing trauma or in deep struggle. Come back when you’re feeling more regulated and supported.

• The content is not downloadable due to copyright reasons.

• Our products should not be used to treat, cure or prevent any medical condition and should not be used for therapeutic purposes. Please consult with your health practitioner or professional care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding any health condition or any other condition that you may have before starting any program or course, engaging in any other activity or program described in our content, or using any products provided on our website. Always read or listen to instructions for use carefully.