Things I Did That Pushed Cervical Orgasm Away

Looking back, I realise I did things that unknowingly distanced me from experiencing cervical orgasm. I was following external advice, trying to become a sexually satisfied and alive woman.

I followed instructions instead of listening to my body’s wisdom.

I bought the vibrator I saw in demos, where women seemed to be having orgasms. I trained my body to respond to strong external stimulation.

I watched instructional videos, got lost in theories—many of which were created by men—and then wondered why I was stuck in my head, trying to figure out how to ‘get it right.’

I used jade eggs, forcing my vagina to squeeze instead of learning how to surrender and let this happen naturally.

I tried all the positions recommended in dating columns (doggie style for cervical orgasm).

I had an orgasmic meditation practice focused on my clitoris.

All of these things took me further away from cervical orgasm because they were about controlling my experience and pushing for a result.

Over time, I realized I wasn’t fully present in my body. I kept judging myself, focusing on the gap between where I was and where I wanted to be. Instead of being in the moment and noticing the tiny, subtle sensations, I was searching for something bigger. But the moment is the only place where cervical orgasm can happen.

I hadn’t yet learned true surrender, which comes from being integrated with my body. I was still conditioned to ‘do’ rather than ‘be.’ Porn, my partners, and conventional sex all suggested that orgasm was something to achieve through effort.

So, here’s what I did to shift things:

  • I threw out my vibrator and started focusing on my internal sensations.
  • I paused all practices that caused tension, including clitoral focus, for a few months.
  • I stopped relying on external sources for pleasure—no more men, porn, or sex toys.
  • I began releasing stored trauma and tension in my body and cervix.

The biggest change I made was shifting my intent. Instead of aiming for orgasm, I focused on being present and open to receiving whatever happened. I learned to direct energy with my mind and awaken my heart’s frequency. I realised that surrender comes from the coherence of heart and mind, and that technique is secondary to my internal state.

When I let go of control and focused on being fully present in a sexual experience, I connected with myself on the deepest level. That self-connection, combined with cervical stimulation, unlocked cervical orgasm for me.

I’m sharing this because there’s so much coming to support your journey. Keep an eye out for a new21-Day Cervix Challenge to help us get back to basics, followed by a new program focused on the embodied experience.

Our men’s work is also on the way—I’m currently sitting with my lover, planning it out. This will beautifully complement what we’re doing.

Until then, I hope this gives you something to reflect on as you connect with your own cervix and remember what it means to justbe—whole, complete, and worthy of this magic.

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