Awaken Your Cervix

5-Day Pleasure Challenge

Practice with me for 5 days in a row touching into the deepest pleasure centre – your cervix.

–coming soon–

5 cheeky days to dip your toe into life-changing work.

This challenge is inviting you to discover this secret sensual place inside your body by touching your cervix for five days in a row...with your finger.

Discover which strokes work for you and which areas of the cervix are more responsive

 Awaken the cervix and transform numbness to access a deeper dimension of pleasure

 Connect with the cervix with an intention for pleasure and learning so you're empowered and can communicate with lovers

 Learn how to include the cervix in self-pleasuring

For five days we will explore different ways to touch the cervix to awaken sensation and pleasure. We will see how everyday opens up something new within us depending on how we're feeling, and we'll meet ourselves where we're at.

There will be a 30 minute live class each day and you'll be sent the replays via email if you can't make it live.

You can read theFAQs here.

Join the challenge

Discover the secret sensual place inside your body, your cervix.


Can I do this with an IUD?

Yes you can.You can read our thoughts on IUDs here.

Can I do this while pregnant?

We don't recommend stimulating your cervix while pregnant due to any bacteria which may be on your finger or under your nail. It's safe to do this close to birth when there is no danger to the baby.

What happens if I can't find my cervix?

It is rare that a cervix is hard to find but it does happen. It's also normal so don't panic. If you truly can't find your cervix, we recommend seeing a bodyworker or a have a lover help you find your cervix. Next time you're at the doctor, get them to tell you where your cervix is located. You can also get some womb realignment done if it bothers you.

Your cervix is lower during your period so this can also be a good time to reach your cervix.

What do I need for this challenge?

  • Some lube or oil. You can read about what we recommend here
  • Short fingernails
  • A wand for releasing tension before touching your cervix (optional). You can find our wandhere
  • A safe private space
  • A journal for writing about your experience
  • 20 minutes per day

How much time will this challenge take?

You could do this in 15 minutes or you could do it in 60 minutes. It depends on you, your preferences, experience or circumstance. Some people will be able to open fairly easily and will not need a lot of self-pleasuring or opening before entering themselves. Other people will relish a lot of 'foreplay'. The most important thing for us is that you do not rush and push through if you're not feeling ready.

The emphasis in this programme is less on 'how to open your body' and more about what happens when you're on the cervix. So we give you the responsibility to take as much time as you need to feel safe, ready and open. For more detail on awakening the pleasure body, we recommend the Initiation Journey.

If you want to spend more time on pleasuring yourself beforehand this will be beneficial but we realise that not everyone has a lot of time so we give you permission to go at a pace that works for your time schedule. In this course we encourage you to have at least one longer session (up to 60 minutes) where you spend more time awakening your body for pleasure.

How is the challenge presented?

Each day you will receive a video via email with a new focus for the practice. Olivia will be journeying alongside you and will be sharing her experience in a video-diary format.

Will I have ongoing access to the content?
