This one is for the mums out there. Though I am not a mama myself, I hear from you all the time: the disconnect, the exhaustion, the marathon tracksuit-pants-wearing, the lack of time and the nights where sex might be on the cards but sleep feels so much better.
So, what do you do when you feel so far away from your sensuality? I know so many mums who worry about the lack of intimacy and the change in connection between partners. I hear about the pressure that you put on yourself to get back in the saddle (often very early). If you’re in your first couple of years of new motherhood, give yourself time and permission to be as you are.
If you feel like it is time to get a lil' jiggy, and you are yearning to bring your sensual self to life, I have good news for you. It’s more than possible to be a red hot mama, to find your sexual self and love her back to life.
In this interview with Tamica Wilder, Mum and sexologist, we talk about how she reclaimed her sexual self and created an EVEN BETTER relationship to her sexuality than before, after becoming a mother.
Watch and learn:
- How to be with a partner when you’re exhausted
- Simple things you can do to love your body
- First steps to reclaiming your body after motherhood
- How to create a sex positive household by honouring your own pleasure
- How to make space for yourself and your pleasure
- The potential of motherhood to expand your sexual experience
We love Tamica!
To find out more about her work go here:
FB group :https://www.facebook.com/groups/theOmama
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