Anger is such a massive topic. It’s one of our core emotions that is commonly repressed or shamed (by ourselves or by others).
I don’t know about you, but I grew up in a household where anger was expressed in yelling and a lot of blaming. As the child, when I got my rage on, I was promptly sent to my room. Always the emotional child, I learnt that to be loved, I needed to behave and became conditioned to be a ‘good girl’.
There are so many stories out there about anger and womanhood. The labels – angry, crazy, psycho. It’s awful – no wonder so many of us are afraid of conflict.
I am so pleased to bring you this conversation – our latest Deep Talk between myself and three other incredible wise women Tamica Wilder, Pascale Terra Deau and Claire Emma.
In this conversation:
- Hear about our personal journeys with anger within relationship.
- Learn all about the landscape of anger and how it doesn’t have to be separate to sex and intimacy.
- We discuss how it’s important to claim our anger and we each share our key tools for handling our anger in healthy ways.
Anger can be really positive when channeled in the right direction (even into the bedroom!).
Also a month ago, the four of us had a conversation called White Women and Women of Colour - Exploring the Divide.
This Deep Talk felt edgy and real. How much do we have in common and why do we feel so separate.
Find Tamica here:https://www.instagram.com/theorgasmicmama/
Find Pascale here: www.pascaledeau.com
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21 April, 2021
Absolutely LOVED this and all of you beautiful and powerful ladies! Gracias!!