Women of Colour & White Women – Discussing the Divide

It has been a bumpy year to say the least... I've felt personal transformation on top of global transformation. The energy feels intense right now and while it is all so hugely painful, there is also great possibility for taking stock, asking questions and finding ways to come back better than before.

One of the things that is showing up strongly for all of us this year is inclusivity and privilege. As a white, cis-gendered, hetero woman (cis means that I feel at home in the body I was born with), this is the year to become more and more conscious of the ways in which we hold unconscious bias towards others and the impact of systemic racism. Staring this in the face is hugely confronting but I believe, necessary if we truly believe that there is, as Bob Marley would say, One Love.

So what about S:C? Where do we stand in all of this?
I can tell you now, I am a stand for love and belonging. I'm holding myself accountable to these values. I might not get it right all the time but I promise that I'm here, working on it in myself so I can bring information about the cervix to more people because they feel included.

When I started Self:Cervix all I cared about was finding anyone who could talk to me about the cervix. My gaze was firmly focussed on the cervix. I didn't look so much at the person who was sharing their knowledge with me. It was only about a year later that I started looking and I realised that most of the people looked a lot like me.

Over the years I've been working on this and finally there are a few initiatives coming up.

One of them is a conversation table between two white women (myself and a colleague, Claire Emma), and two women of colour (an amazing psychotherapist, Pascale Terra Deau and a sex therapist, Tamica Wilder).

In this conversation, we covered: Women of Colour and White Women and – Discussing the Divide (and how we might come together).

This Deep Talk felt edgy and real. How much do we have in common and why do we feel so separate.

Watch the conversation:

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